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Classroom: Esophagus

Showing: 1 - 15 of 15 items.
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Thumbnail Name Size Date Modified Description Tags File Name
Barrett esophagus (353) 36.17 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:37 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Adaptation and accumulations - Barrett esophagus 4922.svs
Barrett esophagus (628) 25.96 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:37 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Adaptation and accumulations - Barrett esophagus 4393.svs
Zenkers diverticulum (789) 22.52 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:37 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Adaptation and accumulations - Zenkers diverticulum 4394.svs
Chronic esophagitis (785) 65.57 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:38 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Chronic esophagitis 4366.svs
Ruptured varices (791) 26.62 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:38 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Hemodynamic disorders - Ruptured varices 4437.svs
Herpes esophagitis (598) 56.66 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Infectious disease - Herpes esophagitis k79.svs
Squamous cell carcinoma (507) 75.69 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Neoplasia - Squamous cell carcinoma aacr_0e90.svs
Adenocarcinoma (509) 71.83 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_1831f.svs
Adenocarcinoma (509) 65.67 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_1831fb.svs
Adenocarcinoma (510) 75.47 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_3691b.svs
Adenocarcinoma (510) 64.81 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_3691.svs
Squamous cell carcinoma (767) 67.21 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus - Neoplasia - Squamous cell carcinoma o81.svs
Candidiasis (959) 72.86 MB 2013-10-04 11:21:58 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon: esophagus - Infectious disease - Candidiasis k169.svs
Squamous cell carcinoma with metastases (320) 41.80 MB 2013-10-04 11:39:44 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Esophagus: liver - Neoplasia - Squamous cell carcinoma with metastases au134b.svs
Squamous cell carcinoma with metastasis (321) 75.52 MB 2013-10-18 15:47:46 Histopathology - Human - Lung and respiratory tract - Lung with mets to esophagus - Neoplasia - Squamous cell carcinoma with metastasis au134a_a_20xr.svs
Showing: 1 - 15 of 15 items.
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