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Classroom: Pancreas

Showing: 1 - 13 of 13 items.
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Thumbnail Name Size Date Modified Description Tags File Name
Fatty infiltration (616) 58.33 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Adaptation and accumulations - Fatty infiltration 4110.svs
Hyalinized islets (776) 37.78 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Adaptation and accumulations - Hyalinized islets 106.svs
Pancreatitis: subacute (11) 178.25 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Pancreatitis: subacute slide107_40xr.svs
Pancreatitis: acute (250) 72.32 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Pancreatitis: acute au18_aa_40xr.svs
Pancreatitis: acute (250) 18.60 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Pancreatitis: acute au18_b_40xr.svs
Pancreatitis: acute (579) 83.71 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Pancreatitis: acute 4158.svs
Adenocarcinoma (809) 77.10 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma b67.svs
Islet cell tumor (insulinoma) (801) 490.15 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Neoplasia - Islet cell tumor (insulinoma) 4713.svs
Adenocarcinoma (519) 62.05 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_gi18.svs
Cystic fibrosis (1001) 72.51 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Genetic disorders - Cystic fibrosis 4535.svs
Cystic fibrosis (821) 69.91 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Genetic disorders - Cystic fibrosis sc42.svs
Diabetes mellitus-Type 2 (658) 55.04 MB 2013-10-20 13:37:13 Histopathology - Human - Pancreas - Pancreas - Genetic disorders - Diabetes mellitus-Type 2 k216.svs
Macropolynesie (312) 74.22 MB 2013-11-13 13:40:53 Histopathology - Human - Endocrine system - Pancreas - Adaptation and accumulations - Macropolynesie au85_40xr.svs
Showing: 1 - 13 of 13 items.
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